I’m Catherine Lorenzo

Tailor-made French lessons.

I offer French lessons in Paris, renowned for their quality, and appreciated for the clarity they bring to the French culture and society today.

One on one French lessons
Tailor-made lessons
Lessons given by an experienced professional

Rated «EXCELLENT» by 75% of students

«VERY SATISFACTORY» by 25% of students.
Overall satisfaction rate (100% of recorded responses since March 2020).



To decode a new culture

Feel more comfortable in discovering new ways of doing and thinking

To give you the keys to a new way of life

to understand the context of expatriation and cultural adaptation

To take advantage of your new city

and what makes the Parisians tick

The latest must-see

To be able to talk about news, what’s happening in Paris, expositions and upcoming events

With my lessons

  • we work according to your learning style
  • you will discover new ways to memorize
  • you will learn to trust your intuition as if French were your native language
  • you will receive clear explanations that are fun and creative
  • grammar is incorporated but never annoying or boring: yes it’s possible!

You will have a gratifying and enriching learning experience.

Tailor-made lessons

  • Appreciate how quickly you progress
  • Perfect how you used and structure the language
  • Adopt new reflexes
  • Familiarize yourself with new sounds to pronounce words well
  • Have fun making connections to other languages and cultures


The objective of my courses
is to give you freedom
Freedom to express what you want,
freedom to continue to progress

1/ Introducing you to French music and how to pronounce the language well

By using patterns, you will learn techniques for correct phonetic pronunciation. This method, created by Elise Spivac relies on pragmatic resources and exercises revolving around the rhythm of French and the study of its specific sounds. What is the key to pronouncing French correctly? It depends solely upon our 13 vowel sounds! This step is thus vital.

2/ Encouraging continuous motivation

All learning is demanding, learning a language is even more so because it starts at zero and brings with it many frustrations.
Together we will look for ways to motivate you in using your favorite themes and topics: news, politics, economy, culture, intercultural aspects, daily life, experiences here and elsewhere, travel, …

3/ Putting a routine in place

Procrastination is enemy number 1 of learning. If you want to progress, you must create a daily routine of 5-10 minutes a day of exercises. Just like an athlete who runs every morning, the first sessions are difficult, but the intense effort in the beginning pays off and the routine becomes your ally.

4/ Helping you to find points of reference to gain confidence

Learning, is also observing, organising, filing, making hypotheses, defining rules, repeating, memorising, accepting the difference… Forgetting, failing, confusing, having the sense that you are totally lost and discouraged are part of the learning process which is anything but linear.
Becoming clearer on the structure of the language will give you the landmarks to understand how the language functions. By feeling safer to learn, you will be able to experiment more and gain in confidence.

5/ Putting your learning style and strengths first

How do you learn best? What is your learning style, what strategies are most effective for you? We all have our own way of learning. In discovering your strengths together, I will help you put into place strategies that work for you.

6/ Encouraging your intuition

Leave your comfort zone to travel into your learning zone. It’s important to communicate and build the proper vocabulary. Grammar rules are necessary to learn the fundamentals and to understand the logic of the language. By being regularly exposed to the language in context, in concrete situations, you will progressively develop an intuition for what is grammatically correct and what is not. My job will be to help you learn to trust your intuition!


After several other French professors, I can truly appreciate what a gift Catherine has for teaching in addition to her affable demeanor. She adapts to your needs, your language level but also to your energy level and mindset each day to help you to progress and enjoy the process. She creates a warm, supportive, and encouraging environment which is both needed and much appreciated when acquiring a new language. She has proven an invaluable partner in this journey and feel lucky to have found her.”

Heidi A.

Director of Strategy

« Having Catherine as my French language teacher was a real jackpot as not only did I get effective language training but also valuable advice on how to deal with real situations living as an expat in France. Her prior experiences as an expat herself abroad is what really sets her apart from other language teachers out there; she is able to relate and provide the right solutions in making the best of life as an expat on both professional and personal fronts. A top French teacher with top coaching skills is a great combination which is hard to find and Catherine has certainly proven to have been both of these to me during my experience here in France. »

Shobitha R.

Legal compliance Audit

« Catherine can extract the best of you in each lesson. She is capable to understand immediately your language weaknesses and identify your potential to overcome them. Catherine drove me to obtain the DELF B2 and helped me to find the right confidence in using French in my everyday life. »

Guido T.

Fintech and Digital transformation consultant

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