Catherine Lorenzo

Tailor-made French lessons.

Certified ICPF & PSI teacher, CNEFOP standard, I meet all legal, regulatory, and business ethics requirements for the teaching profession.

At your home, your office, my office, online, during your business trips,
here or there according to your time zone.


Courses to:

  • help you feel more comfortable making requests in stores, in transport, for deliveries, in your exchanges with friends, new neighbors, ….
  • develop your skills by using your favorite topics and interests: the latest expo, your weekend visiting another part of France, …
  • exchange and share your opinion on the new restaurant you have just discovered, the next celebration by a favorite painter you adore, a new spot you discovered yesterday by chance, …
  • learn to enjoy writing text of varying length and varying degrees of formality (emails, sms, etc.) and why not discover the possibility of producing text for you, your blog and to communicate on social media,…

An offer that can be adapted to children/ adolescents.

TEST or DIPLOMA Preparation

DILF, DELF, DALF, or TCF? Diploma or test, what to choose?
Lessons which accompany you and a methodology to have the right reflexes the day of the exam.

A format that can also be adapted to an online training.


You want to learn French but you don’t have the time?
Always traveling or on a business trip?
Let’s find the right time together.
Courses compared to face-to-face lesson:

  • take place with the same rigour and content,
  • ensure a regularity essential for your progress and deliver the same results.

Certified teacher and Datadock referenced.

My training courses are eligible for CPF and your training course can be certified by an outside organization and accredited: Pipplet FLEX (Fluency EXam).
I like to discover new companies and businesses. My professional experience in marketing and communication (approximately 15 years) is an asset.