
After several other French professors, I can truly appreciate what a gift Catherine has for teaching in addition to her affable demeanor. She adapts to your needs, your language level but also to your energy level and mindset each day to help you to progress and enjoy the process. She creates a warm, supportive, and encouraging environment which is both needed and much appreciated when acquiring a new language. She has proven an invaluable partner in this journey and feel lucky to have found her.”

Heidi A.

Director of Strategy

« Having Catherine as my French language teacher was a real jackpot as not only did I get effective language training but also valuable advice on how to deal with real situations living as an expat in France. Her prior experiences as an expat herself abroad is what really sets her apart from other language teachers out there; she is able to relate and provide the right solutions in making the best of life as an expat on both professional and personal fronts. A top French teacher with top coaching skills is a great combination which is hard to find and Catherine has certainly proven to have been both of these to me during my experience here in France. »

Shobitha R.

Legal compliance Audit

« Catherine can extract the best of you in each lesson. She is capable to understand immediately your language weaknesses and identify your potential to overcome them. Catherine drove me to obtain the DELF B2 and helped me to find the right confidence in using French in my everyday life. »

Guido T.

Fintech and Digital transformation consultant

« Catherine always made my lessons fun and stimulating with her positive energy, her research beforehand on subjects that interested me; she was like a breath of fresh air during my workday! What puts her a cut above the rest is her sensitivity : she was very perceptive of my state of mind and adapted the lesson to ensure I would get the most out of it. »

Karen D.P.

Global Benefit Consultant

« In just hundred hours Catherine has brilliantly equipped me with skills for a good level of French language. Before meeting her I barely knew any French and at present, not only do I manage my daily life in France with ease but also am able to efficiently do my first English teaching job in a French school.
She is an exceptional teacher who was quick to recognize my learning style, the way I register things in mind and accordingly gave me strategies of learning. She also made me go beyond what I am capable of without making my learning stressful at all.

I loved learning French grammar logic from her. There were no boring grammar sessions (or any class for that matter) with her ever! She provided historical references and narrated anecdotes to give cultural context and to make learning interesting and memorable.
She is also a keen observer and listener and hence is the best professor of French to teach French pronunciation. Many French people have commended my pronunciation of French words and I have Catherine to be thankful for.

In short, two words describe Catherine’s teaching skills: Exceptionally brilliant! She has motivated me to continue to learn and that’s what I intend to do as I remain grateful to her for her guidance and all that she has helped me learn. »

Mabel M.

English teacher

Each class I progressed more and more, a dynamic and very pleasant way of teaching.
So if you want to make great progress in French in a pleasant way, the answer is to have Catherine as a teacher.
I was preparing to take a French exam to be admitted to French universities, I only had 1 month to prove a B2 level and I had an A2. It was thanks to her that I passed my exam and I am immensely grateful. Not to mention that when I felt discouraged or overwhelmed Catherine always found a way to guide me on the right path.
I couldn’t have asked for a better teacher.

Andrea G

Future Student at Paris X-Nanterre university